English language arts

Inference - Graphic organisers (4) with examples - multiple uses in English or Foundation Subjects.
Four easy to use sheets with lots of space for pupils to write in and some examples / instructions. Great for deepening understanding, esp in English and mostly importantly for inference.
Three easy steps to help them infer…
It says - copy something directly from the text
I say - (the tricky bit is they need to draw from life experiences) Pupils need to "imagine they are in the scenario or find a reference point for this in their own lives)
And so… link up the first two points to write the inference.
For Example
It says - he snarled at me
I say - my brother pulls faces when he is angry
And so - he might be angry
To effectively teach pupils to infer use the ‘It says - I say - And so…’ sheet. Inference is a skill developed by repeating the same process in many different contexts. Which is why these sheets are great as they can be used on any text. I suggest giving pupils lots of practice with this. Then repeat with different texts. Keep the same format throughout the year and they should develop the skill of inference.

Parts of Speech
Simple quick guide to parts of speech for older pupils and adults alike. Useful and clear.

Common Exception Words Word Mat KS1
All Year 1 and 2 pupils can use this to quickly locate CEW words that they need to spell. Great as a word mat. /sh/ sounding words have been placed under S, /th/ sounds under T and the small boxes at the bottom left are for words that sound very different to their first letter.